Thursday, 31 May 2012

Prices at some Irish Holiday Homes are slashed for bank holiday

Just receved an emaily flyer from Dream Ireland, Ireland's specialist self catering holiday homes company.

They say that "Prices slashed for June Bank Holiday weekend" Well that is this coming weekend. It is referendum day in Ireland today and on Saturday 2nd June the bank holiday weekend starts. Just for a change the Irish bank holiday falls on the same day (4th June) as the British one because of the British late May bank holiday falling a week later because of the extra day on the 5th June for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations. New Zealand also has a bank holiday, but it is easier to get to Ireland  if you are living in Europe.

For some ten years now Dream Ireland Irish Holiday Home self catering rentals have been advertised on so why not take a look at the section today? Follow this link


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Anonymous said...

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Good work! Thanks for post.